Monday, January 7, 2013

One Happy Dork

I have loved the character Totoro (from the movie "My Neighbor Totoro") since I was a small child. It's one of those things I obsess over: I have Totoro slippers, Totoro seatbelt covers in my car, and various custom Totoro stuff my mom has made over the years. Now I have one more thing to add to my collection! It all started with the fact that hat-scarves are super in right now. I saw a really cool florescent pink & black zebra stripe, extra furry one, at JCPennys a couple of months ago, but I didn't have the money to buy it. By the time I did, they had sold out of them. It dawned on me as I was looking at some other ones that if I could find a pattern for them I could just make one - and how much cooler would Totoro be than the one I saw (don't get me wrong, I LOVE hot pink, but I love Totoro more!). Sure enough, Simplicity had a pattern for this style of hat. Well, yesterday I finally got to put it together - with mom's help - she's the master seamstress after all. We modified the pattern to give it an extra lining in the hand pockets, eyes, nose, different ears, and little toes. It came out super cute! Of course, I couldn't resist taking the iconic shot with the umbrella - my favorite scene from the movie:

So where's the Catbus?

And here's a close up to see the toes better:

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