Yesterday I finally tried a Pinterest recipe I've been wanting to try - homemade Pizza Rolls! You can find the recipe here. Basically, you mix up the pizza goop for the filling, drop it onto wonton wrappers, fold/seal, and bake. I added more cheese than the recipe called for and also added some sausage. You could probably put whatever you want in them. The recipe said to put about a tablespoon in each one, but I couldn't seem to get them folded/sealed with that much in them. I used a heaping teaspoon amount instead. They cook up great, and are quite tasty! And certainly they have to be healthier than all the pre-fab junk that is in the store bought ones. I also discovered they freeze and reheat just fine! (About 55 seconds in the microwave, the same as the store-bought variety.) That pretty much sealed the deal for me! I will definitely be making more of these!
Bon appétit! |